Body and Pole Group Ensemble

March 22, 2012

The owners at Body and Pole commissioned me again this year to create a large group shot of their ever growing team of athletes and trainers at Body and Pole Studio. The first goal was to create a powerful group shot of the team for a years worth of BP advertising placements and the second goal was a gallery quality, 4×6 foot mural for their new 5000 square foot, midtown location on 27th Street. The only problem was their incredible success, the pole dancing, pole fitness and aerial teams had grown from 8 to 17 people in the past year!

To light a group that size I knew we needed a huge space that could fit my group composition of the talent, the poles/silks and the all the lighting. More than a big space, we needed a location with some character, enter Galapagos Art Space in Dumbo. A fantastic location with texture to spare. After scouting the location I knew it would be perfect, having said that, even with a 25′ stage it was going to be a tight fit for seventeen performers. Luckily, we had a balcony and 30′ ceilings to build the lighting plan.

Many thanks to Jonathan Orenstein the Lighting Director, as well as my crew Brian Bloom and Keziban Berry. Additional thanks to Linn Edwards of Feather Creative for expert retouching and Mario Gambuzza of MG Imaging for digital output and installation.

Michel Leroy – Photographer
Lian Tal – Art Director & Mastermind
Kyra Johannesen – Choreographer
Kyle McBeth – Photo Shoot Producer

Body and Pole Video

The Body and Pole Team (L-R):
Tiffany, Rica, Marlo, Issac, Kelly, Kat, Kyra Johannesen (co-owner), Steven, Michelle, Tracee, Meritza, Brooklyn, Roland, Olga, Rebecca, Lian Tal (co-owner) and Lauren.

Michel Leroy
Michel Leroy is an award-winning photographer based in New York City. Working with a select team of professional creatives at 2X Productions LLC they create advertising campaigns and social media solutions for advertising, media and corporate clients. Repeatedly clients including The Food Network, Adidas, Nike, Intel, Lenovo, GE, Pfizer, Bayer and L'Oreal have trusted Michel Leroy to connect their brands to customers through photographs with insight and narrative. Michel Leroy is a brand ambassador for Manfrotto US, Lastolite by Manfrotto and the range of Vitec brands in the professional photographic community.

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